Well, I finally handed in my notice anyway. I got a new job last week, and got the contract signed on tues, but I was holding off on handing in the notice as it looked like Work (as in, the current one) might be sending me to Cairo for a week. My new job starts on the 26th May so handing in my 4 weeks notice now means I get a week off in between jobs, but the cairo trip looked like it was coming up the week of the 19th, so I was holding off on the notice for a week so that my last week would be spent off abroad one more time! Turns out the customer wants to hold off until the end of May tho, so that's me out - so no point in hanging around here the extra week! :-)
It was surprisingly easy to get the new job actually. Unlike last time where I was fruitlessly searching for 2 years and had god knows how many interviews (including the one where the muppet recruitment agent sent me to the wrong interview!), I got this on on my second try! The first interview was for a job that I didn't really want anyway, a 2nd line support job with Eircom which was a bit too close to the bits I didn't like in my current job - I was doing it more for the experience and to get back into the rhythm of interviewing than naything else. I dind't get offered it, and even if I had I would have turned it down. The interview was full of the HR type stuff like "
where do you see yourself in 5 years time" or "
what would you consider your main strengths/weaknesses to be" or "
how would you say you perform under stress?", with techy questions few and far between, and needless to say it was this HR crap I apparently fell down on.
My second interview was a lot better - well, I got it, didn't I :-)? Was pretty much all techy stuff, and was more like a chat than an interview (I was bouncing as many questions off him as he was off me). It started at 3pm, I was out by 3:45 and by 4:15 the nice girl in the recruitment agency (and by "nice" I mean "hot") was on to me saying the company wanted me to give then references to check. Here was the first hurdle: they wanted one from CAPE and one from Sun! The CAPE one was easy, just banged off a txt to my manager who'd left a few weeks before and got an immediate "no probs", but the Sun one was more tricky. Seeing as my former group in Sun had all been laid off about 3 months after I left, I dint' have any contact info that I knew woud work! I ended up chancing my arm with a few emial addresses and eventually got a repy from two of them - Tom, my ex boss in Dublin who had survuved the department's demise (I thought he'd been let go too), and Shinobu, my former project lead in San Francisco. Up til the point where I heard from them, I'd been trying to remember what the last name was of my host manager in Beijing so I could send him a message! The reference info was duly sent off anyway, and in short order a reply came back: I had the job.
So anyway, the role is with an Irish company who do mobile phone content provision (I'm not naming names, amde that mistake before and got stung for it!). The role is as a "Deployment Engineer" which is pretty much the same thing I'm doing in my current job - I'm the guy who sets up the customer's systems and throws the software on them. There'll be some travel, but not much - at least they're honest about that, the reason I took my current job was 'cos they said I could be spending as much as 1 out of every 3 months abroad, and lok how far that got me! It's 4 grand more money anyway, 4 days more holidays, and hte best bit is it's only 5mins walk from my apartment, which is just as good as another €700 a year to me as it means I won't have to take the DART to work any more!
So, how will it turn out? Will my current place get out of the slump and start hiring ppl instead of losing them? Only time will tell.....