Tuesday, January 16, 2007

New Job.....

Well, here I am on my 2nd day in my new job. Am having great fun here, as the first thing I noticed when I got in this morning was that the network was down, so no-one could do anything. The external access is back up now, but the internal access isn't for some reason. In other words, I can browse the web but not get at any of the docs I need to get to so that I can know what I'm doing. Then again, it's not that anyone has actually told me what I'm supposed to be doing/learning anyway, so am just browsing the network trying to find something that could be vaguely relevant to a role that I'm still not sure of the details of. And apparently, when I do get stuff to do, I'll just be dropped in on the deep end and left to fend for myself. Fun!

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