......but I couldn't eat a whole one. Yup, I've done what everyone was taking the piss out of when they heard I was coming over here: I ate dog! Contrary to popular opinion you can't get it just anywhere over here, we had to go to a special restaurant to get it. We went out playing pool last night (just like every thursday), then one of the guys asked me "So, have you eaten dog yet?" I said no, so we all hopped in two taxis and headed out to this special restaurant in god-knows-where.
I had this surreal mental image when we went into the restaurant of it being like when you order fish: all the fish swimming around in the tank and you point out the one you want (in this case, them leading a bunch of canines out on leashes and you picking one). We didn't get to see fido though until he landed on our plate! It was sort of done like the hot-pot I've had a good few times now: there's a big pot of stock in the center of the table with a gas ring underneath, and you dip the slices of dog in until they're cooked to your liking.
Now the question everyone'll ask: how was it? Well, it didn't taste like chicken for a start! :-P In texture and color, it looked a lot like mutton, and tasted a bit like it too, although it was a bit of a stronger, sharper taste. I guess tho that differnt breeds taste differnt, like a rottweiler would be a lot tougher than a poodle (not that there'd be much eating on a poodle!). I didn't have much of an inclination to ask what sort of dog it was I was munching down, so I can't tell you that one.
Hmm, so so far I've had scorpion, frog, sheep spine, rat (possibly, although I think Helen was joking about that in the restaurant the other day), and dog. Hmm, have to find a good snake place around here now! :-)
forget the snake.... when are you going for cat???
Out of the list of items you've eaten, the only one that seems to bother me is the sheeps spine.....
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