Nice way of saying "welcome" isn't it? :-)
My flights were pretty uneventful anyway. Made it here on one piece with no difficulties (apart form the little button to tilt my seat back not working so had to try to sleep upright). Made my connecting flights no problem for once, and miracle of miracles, we were nearly on time leaving Dublin! Think we took off maybe 10 mins late, which suited me as I got to watch the extra time in the FA Cup final! :-)
Haven't done any sightseeing after getting in as I was a bit tired after the flights and all, it was dark and it didn't look like there was anything of interest around when I came in in the taxi. So, just had something to eat in the hotel and have been sorting out my stuff in the room. My room is nearly the size of my apartment in dublin! Time to see what the bed is like methinks <yawn>
Getting a bit nervous now about tomorrow but shur what happens happens.....
OMG, you got in! :P
Heehee, anyhoo, good to hear you made it safe and sound! Enjoy the nice humid, squelchingly smelly weather. It's actually sunny here today.
Yeah, the fools let me in! Muahahaha! And I still get to go to Singapore at the end! :-)
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