Tuesday, October 28, 2008

On Call

Wow, what a shitty weekend.

I'm finally on the on-call roster with work, and unlike in my previous job, the phone goes off a lot. Quite a lot! When I was on call in CAPE, I only ever got 2 calls - and one of them was a wrong number. Not here!

Was quiet enough during the week, only got 3 calls (which is still one call more than I got in CAPE tho!). Then however, everything really kicked off at the weekend. The phone started going off around 2pm sunday and just didn't stop. Every time there's a problem on the network, I get a text message on the on-call phone, and I had to empty the message memory twice 'cos it was too full to get any more alerts! I was working 2pm to 3am sunday pretty much non-stop, trying to keep things up and running. Then I got 3 more calls during the night, one at 5am, one at 6:30am and one at 7:30am. Got up then about 10:30am and was working solid from 11am to 8pm last night - I didn't even see the outside world yesterday. Then, just to top it off, the phone started going off again about midnight and I was working on stuff til 2:30am! Thank god I was able to hand the phone off to someone else today!

Am quizzing the boss now to see how much time off in lieu I can get for all this..... :

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