Sunday, April 29, 2007


Every time I go out in Waterford city, I remember why it is I hate going out in Waterford. The pub we go to - Geoffs - isn't too bad (or at least it wouldn't be if my mates actually turned up when they say they will) but after, your choices are limited to the half dead places, the places with shyte music or the places with all the knackers, scumbags and slappers gyrating away to the techno music.

And a word to the wise for Waterford taxi drivers: if you already have a fare or you're pig ignorant enough to want to zoom past all us waiting people in an empty car, at least have the courtesy to turn off your light so we know you're not worth the effort of raising our hands to try to flag you down. Ignorant dickheads.


Anonymous said...

Same in Dub tho! You stand there, not even from a night out, a normaly day say, and some empty taxis with lights on will ignore you. I thought they get penalised for doing that, I suppose if they are caught. Well, you also have empty taxis that have no lights on stopping for you. How confusing is that? Well, that is why I stick my hand out for an empty taxis, lights on or not. ;)

Anonymous said...

I don't think there are any other types of taxidrivers other than ignorant dickheads.

I think its in the Taxi Driver Union rules.

Oh and a funny thing-I once had a taxi driver tell me it was in the taxi driver regulations to keep the light turned on.

When I asked him a) why? and b) what was the light switch for then, he shut up and didn't talk to me after that.

Taxi drivers = cowboys

(not all, but an unfortunate large majority)

oh, and H B-day :) huzzah

Anonymous said...

that was supposed to be signed by bBt :)

milesfromhome said...

Hmm, which are worse to wait for a taxi alongside, waterford knackers or dublin scumbags and slappers?

and Iskanders in dublin or Istanbul Kebab in waterford, who makes the tastier soakage kebabs?

Hallelujah said...

Having lived a year in both cities, I can say waterford is far worse in terms of being scum city. Iskanders does better food too and is located in a nicer part of the city. Waterford is nice and small so all the scumbags can congregate together instead of being safely tucked away in Dublin suburbs.I find Dubliners good humoured, Waterford people are a bunch of sore losers who the Celtic Tiger never There are lovely people in both cities too

Hallelujah said...

As for taxi men I dont envy them, fair play to them.