Tuesday, September 25, 2007


I seem to be going to a lot of birthdays recently. Was the g/f's birthday yesterday (is still strange to be able to say that - "the g/f") so we're going out for dinner tonight. Was another friend's b'day celebrations on sat night, another last mon, another last sat (well, same one as this sat - 2 countries, 2 parties!), another the weds before - and another this weekend coming! Reckon I've been to about 7 birthdays in the last 5 weeks, seems a lot of my friends were "xmas pressies" so to speak..... :-) Is fecking expensive going out for all these meals tho! Bad for the wallet, bad for the waistline!

One other thing that hit me as well is that apart from Michelle's (the g/f), all of the birthdays have been 30ths or over. When the hell did everyone I know start hitting 30? Last think I noticed, I was going to 25ths - Where did it all go wrong? :-(

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