Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Windows crashing error - found?

Well, i think I've discovered why my gfx card has been crashing so much. It always seems to crash whenever I'm browsing the web so I decided to do a search on "ATI +mozilla + crash". The first link I saw gave me this (from the mozilla 1.2.1 release notes):

Using ATI video drivers will lead to random crashes on many sites. Mac OS ATI driver versions affected: All (?) Windows ATI driver versions affected: (Mac OS) Workaround: set your screen to 'Thousands of colors' rather than 'Millions'. (Windows) Possible Workaround: Revert to an older driver (6094?)-- Untested (Bug 101055)

So, looks like I'm suffering from mozilla bug 101055! Sure enough, I installed Opera instead, and for the last two days I've been crash free. I decided to go back to firefox just to try it out, and within 10 minutes had crsahed again!

the hting is, I don't rally like opera. it just seems clunkier than firefox - even with the fact that I don't have all the extensions I've come to take for granted, there are other things like pages definitely don't load as fast and sometimes images don;t load properly. Could be because it's 9.0 beta, but still. One thing I'm definitely not doing is use IExplore! Maybe when IE7 has been out for a while and ppl figure out how to disable all the sneaky stuff MS have put in.....

Going to download Mozilla 1.7 and see if the smae problem is happening there.

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