Monday, May 15, 2006

the vegetarian crusade?

I found this on El Reg on friday: someone wrote an essay on why being a vegetarian is stupid, and after a few militant veggies complained, the author got their college computer access removed. So much for freedom of speech!

Most of the aricle goes through the reasons that ppl say they became vegetarian, and proceeds to rubbish all of them. The article is pretty tongue-in-cheek, and the only ppl I can see this turning off vegetarianism are the kind of ppl who were never really into it in the first place. Then again, there are always going to be ppl out there who aren't happy unless they're morally outraged about something (a lot of heavily religious ppl fall into this category as well). I always found vegetarian food to be pretty bland and uninspiring, so maybe the lack of excitement in their diet has made these ppl lose their sense of humour as well.

Or maybe it's all about control. People with strong views on stuff always tend to see the world in black and white: "there's my way and then there's the wrong way". So, if anyone looks like they're attacking their views, no matter in how mild a form, that person must be eliminated or neutralised. My attitude is "God save us from fanatics of all shapes and sizes" (of course, instead of "God" you can insert your deity of choice there, I don't care). You have your views on things, and I have mine. We'll make a deal, you don't try to shove your views down my throat and I won't try to change your mind either, or tell you I think your views are full of shit. Does anyone really think that if I'm eating a burger and someone says to me "you know, a cow died to provide you with that meal", that I'm just going to thwack my head with my hand, say "Of course! Why didn't I see this before! How can I have been so wrong all these years?" and go off and never eat meat or wear leather again? I'm more likely to say something to piss of my "veggie evangelist" like "yup, and damn tasty it is too!", or "Really? I'd better make sure its sacrifice wasn't in vain then", and keep eating (or maybe offer them some).

In the interests of free speech (and pissing off militant veggies), the article can be found here.

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