Thursday, November 15, 2007


Well, we just had a company update meeting here, and it was all going as well as usual (boring update slides on the "merger" etc), then the boss drops the clanger on us. Seems due to one thing or another, we haven't been getting in as many new customers as we forecasted in the last quarter, so we made a rather big loss (can't say how much but there were a lot of zeroes involved). Reckon if we hadn't been taken over merged then the whole company would be on the skids, but as it is we're losing 12 ppl from the dublin office.

They're taking us into the meeting rooms one by one in alphabetical order and telling us individually, I should be finding out in about an hour or so. At least it's a short sharp shock, not like the layoffs in Sun where they'd tell you there was layoffs coming up (sorry, a "Reduction In Force") and then leaving you stew for 3-4 weeks. I might even be joining my ex-teammates in Sun who got culled a few weeks go on the jobs market!

I don't really care either way, after working in Sun I make sure my CV is regularly brushed up anyway, and there's no point in stressing about something I can't change. I'm used to layoffs at this stage anyway.

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