Tuesday, November 27, 2007

weekend work

Great. As if it wasn't enough that I was in late last night and it looks like I'll be in late tonight too, the cust has decided that they want to upgrade their production servers to the new build as well - over the weekend. So, will be in here most of Saturday and probably a bit of Sunday too! This better be a peak period for work, if I don't do this late night/weekend crap at home, I'm not doing it here for 3 weeks running. The odd time is OK, but if the guys here are expecting it as normal, well.......

Boss has said I can get a day in lieu for this, going to push to get them before I go back home - extra days are better spent in warm sunny South Africa than cold pissing-rain Ireland!

1 comment:

whykay said...

Sounds like a mountain of fun! Good luck! I'm hunkering down with deadlines as well, but at least my clients are lecturers. :D