Thursday, November 15, 2007


Well, I still have a job anyway.

I reckoned I'd be safe enough in that my group are so short-staffed at the mo anyway that if I took a few sickie days next week then the boss wud be screwed 'cos there'd be no-one left to do the work! Is still good to hear the news that you're staying officially tho. We were called into the meeting rooms one by one to hear, done alphabetically by first name, so I was in the 2nd half of the list. Then the boss decides to go for lunch in between the guy before me on the list and me, so I'm left sweating for another while longer! Meeting was short and sharp when it happened tho, "OK, you're staying, things are as they were from the re-org meeting yesterday".

So there we go, another round of layoffs survived! After all the Sun ones, I've lost count of how many bullets I've dodged now!

Suppose that's the Xmas bonus out the window anyway. Damn, would have been nice to get one this millennium.....

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