Tuesday, November 06, 2007


Well, I started back playing soccer last night. If I was under any illusions before about my fitness level, I'm not any more! Was struggling after 10mins, had to keep going in goals to catch my breath for 5mins, and played crap 'cos I was too knackered to run or put in proper tackles. Got home last night and wasn't up to much bar vegging in front of the TV. It doesn't help I suppose that I'm coming down with a cold so my lung power isn't up to full capacity (however low even that is!), but damn that match hurt!

Is probably about 2 years since I've played (was before I went to china anyway) so I wasn't exactly expecting to set the pitch on fire with my endless running and silky skills. And I knew it'd be painful afterwards - when I was playing, whenever we'd break for the summer in Sun the first few matches back of the new season were quite bad. I'm not feeling too bad now at the moment but I know from experience that by tomorrow I'll be walking around like a 90-year-old! Normally for some reason it's never my legs that stiffen up the most, is my lower and mid-upper back (didn't do anatomy so don't know what the muscles are called - the ones under your shoulder blades). Having said that tho, I won't be running up any stairs either, and getting up out of chairs is going to be a bit painful over the next few days!

It's not like I'm not getting no exercise at all, am not a total couch potato, but the 20-min walk to and from the dart station in the day isn't really so much getting me fitter as helping to stop me becoming even less fit. Is still about half of what I used to walk when I was in Sun as well, but walking the full way into work in the morning would be 1hr 20min, so that's not happening! Am not sure will I be playing again next week, will see how I feel by say sat. Might need to try to stop my lungs from collapsing first!

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